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13 reviews
Wonderful book, a little sad in parts, lovely read, a must for Elvis fans, I would recommend
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sara j caine
The book arrived on time and in very good condition
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Joe S
I thoroughly enjoyed this two part biography. at over 1,100 pages between the two books, with small font, it isn't for the feint hearted but never did I get bored. The biography eases between the author's narrative and incorporated quotes and passages from those Elvis knew. The chapters are split chronologically so we get a good sense of Elvis changing over time from a young, polite, well-mannered, family man who wanted nothing more than to sing, and use the money to look after his mother and father and to settle down with hia first love, Dixie, to gradually becoming a controlling womaniser, dependant on drugs prescribed to him by some unscrupulous doctors who would be in prison today (see Michael Jackson!). Book one, Elvis comes across very well - Book two, he is difficult to like and easy to pity. The reason i have docked this a star is due to a couple of reasons. There was a lot of day to day detail, which I felt was unnecessary and lengthened the book far more than required. This became repetitive with endless passages quoted from a fling discussing Elvis's drugs. Then the next fling doing the same, then the next, etc. I also felt that some key things were missed, such as Elvis's head injury in 1967, which people now argue may have been the real root cause of his death - although when the book was written, this perhaps was not a theory, the incident, which left Elvis unconscious for an extended period of time, was not even mentioned in passing. I also felt that Elvis's relationship with the Colonel was only discussed, although at length, at surface level. Essentially, the books, though long and detailed, are not entirely comprehensive in what they cover. Otherwise a brilliant read and highly recommended!
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S Riaz
I have never read a biography of Elvis before and, searching around, this seemed to be the one which most fans were praising as a serious look at the man and what made him who he was. It is a huge volume and only the first of two books to cover his life, but, to be honest, it could have been even longer. The story was so interesting that you are happy to invest your time and go along for the ride. This enormous biography takes Elvis from his birth in 1935, through his gradual rise to stardom and on to the death of his beloved mother. The author meticulously lists every live concert date, every record and every film made, but that is not all the book is about. As well as explaining how and why Elvis became the huge star he became, it explains who he was. The gentle boy who loved his mother and who never seemed to be anything other than caring (if a little fickle) with his many girlfriends, who was spiritual and clean living - warning his mother against the horrors of drink when she had a beer late at night, who seemed so lonely he ended up with a local entourage to protect and keep him company, was also, undeniably, a very ambitious man. Ambitious not only because he loved music, but because he had risen from poverty and had no intention of going back there, although more because he wanted to care for his parents, with whom he had a very close relationship, than for any personal gain. Also, a man who seemed to prefer to leave any difficulty to the Colonel and slip out from the requirements of personal responsibility at times - not acknowedging the bitterness of Scotty Moore and Bill Black for example, until they resigned in anger at how they were treated financially. This really is THE Elvis biography and continues with Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley, which I am really looking forward to reading.
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Rod Butler
The dates, places, names, clothing, meetings and details are all quite amazing, as if the author was actually there when deals were being done and recording taking place. The book was heavy to begin, but stick with it for an insight on what it was like to be part of the Elvis story.
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Cowardly Lion
This and the second volume, Careless Love, constitute the best biography I've read of a major star. The author is so thorough that you almost feel you've lived Elvis's life - or at least been there at his side. I agree with another reviewer that the pages on Elvis's childhood and early career are a little slow, but it's worth sticking with them because the rest of his life was lived at supersonic speed. And this is not a partisan, fan's-eye view of Presley. It's a cool, almost cerebral, treatment that will satisfy readers who want something more profound than a rundown of The King's greatest hits. I really admire Peter Guralnick and salute him for this superb biography.
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Marie Ann Butler
Bought this for my daughter and she absolutely loved it
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Anne B.
My son needs a book giving Elvis history in his later years. Not the beginning to 1958.
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angelika maeser lemieux
I loved the book; it not only takes us with Elvis from poverty to riches and fame, but it cast a light upon all the supporting cast that was needed to catapult this great talent to the top; without the record makers and the promoters of the Elvis product, he would not have had the national exposure, and the author gives us many interesting characters to learn about who worked with or alongside Elvis. It is really a "who's who" of the music scene in those days.
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Muy buen libro
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Sou grande fã de Elvis Presley e já li muitas biografias a seu respeito, entretanto nada se compara a "Last Train to Memphis", a qual aborda o início (antes mesmo de seu nascimento) até sua ida ao exército - a história prossegue na segunda parte. Percebi que muitas biografias anteriormente lidas tiveram como fonte "Last Train to Memphis". O livro demorou um pouco para chegar, afinal se trata de compra internacional, mas posso garantir que valeu cada dia de espera, sendo "devorado" em menos de uma semana. Sensacional e definitivo.
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Brilliant story weaving bringing to life the trials and turbulence growing up and living in an deeply racially divided Southern US. One can easily forgive the hate that manifested in stories of " stolen music"..... Even though Elvis did not " create Rock n Roll" he was easily the seminal force that created the huge change in music & clothing, in American & world culture that still reverberates to this day. A very compelling reading, that brings Elvis to life and the myths surrounding him & his legacy. The Mystery Train rolls on.
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Andrea M.
scorrevole e comprensibile, per essere in inglese molto completo, accurato e dettagliato
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  • ASIN 0349106517
  • Publisher Abacus; 1st edition (2 Nov. 1995)
  • Language English
  • Paperback 592 pages
  • ISBN-10 0241966051
  • ISBN-13 978-0593201459
  • Reading age 14 - 18 years
  • Dimensions 12.8 x 3.8 x 19.6 cm
  • Best Sellers Rank See Top 100 in Books