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13 reviews
Read in one sitting. One of the things I took away from this book is how very human the Presleys are. Although they’re incredibly famous and doing things on a massively grand scale, they’re surprisingly relatable as a family and the themes of childhood, grief, loss, addiction, aging, illness, depression, loss, disappointment, fractured family relationships and romantic relationship breakdowns are things most of us will experience some or all of in our own families. It’s at times a very joyful, happy book in terms of Lisa’s happiness as a mother and her children’s love for her and the same with her relationship with her father and the happiness found there followed by grief. The book follows cycles of grief and hope in new beginnings, enduring friendships, fractious inter-generational relationships and hugely loving relationships. The end is very sad but there is happiness in the springing of new roots with baby Tupelo and buds of hope for the future. It’s easy to read and it helps that both Lisa and Riley are endlessly likeable characters that the reader feels deep affection for. Lisa’s sadness before her death is very hard to bare, but having shared some of her own experiences of loss and feeling unparented I found this a comforting book as I had never realised these were ways I identified with Lisa. It does help to know that no matter what our walk of life we’re all dealing with similar struggles and emotions and sometimes can’t comprehend the way the world sees us is very different from how we may think ourselves. It’s a spiritual and cathartic book and I think most people will benefit from reading it as most of us beyond our 30s will be able to relate to this book and find some relief in knowing we’re not alone as we go through life and that even the very privileged are facing the same struggles as us and are also just muddling through as best they can. I would have liked it to be longer and more detailed though. I enjoyed it so much I wanted more, especially about Ben who didn’t really seem to fully develop as a character in some ways, I would like to have heard more about him. hope Lisa and Ben are at peace together now.
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Maria kelly
Fantastic read and some interesting facts. Parts of the story is so heartbreaking, especially the details of Bens death I actually cried. Lisa Marie had a full and fascinating life but also a very sad one aswel. Riley was a brilliant daughter to Lisa Marie and has a good sensible head on her shoulders and I believe she will carry on protecting Graceland that her mother loved so dearly.
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This was an honest account of Lisa Marie's life, her addictions her love/hate relationship with her mother (she wrote a song apologising to her mother and it was lovely) how she doubted her ability to sing, her beauty and her relationships. She had a sad look always about her but did things her way and said it like it is. She was an excellent mother who loved all her children fiercely especially Ben Ben her beloved son who's death she never got over. A great book that I could not put down. Well done Riley for finishing your beloved mothers story
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Richard Edmondson
Good read
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Angela Yorks
At first I didn't know what to think and it's taken me a few days to digest to be honest. I'm glad that it wasn't centred on Elvis but it wasn't just Lisa Marie's story. At parts I was hearing this little girl within a woman's body, just needing to fill the deficit of love that had been removed from her life when her Dad passed. No father can ever be replaced but when her grief, and all the grief of the family I daresay, was played out in such a public arena then it's no wonder that, with people dealing with what needed sorting, a little girl felt pushed to the side somewhat. It made her grow up tough and perhaps the only way she could see to survive was to close herself off. When she struggled emotionally, she didn't know how to lean on others so found her own way to block the pain out. I judge no one. Even given more help, would she have accepted it? Perhaps, perhaps not. Priscilla isn't portrayed in a bad light, just another character in a drama who lost her way and was struggling. Riley comes across as an altogether different person. She's had to be. I think she's an amalgamation of the good in both her parents. Sass, style and strength. I don't know what I expected from the book really, but I recognise it as a love letter from a little girl to her Dad and a love letter from a daughter to her mother. It feels like a completed circle. What Lisa wanted to do has been done and Riley can move on with her life, knowing she has been true to her mother, fulfilled her wish and faces the world on her own pathway now. That's the blessing of the book, I think. Well worth reading.
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Joy Walker
Best autobiography of 2025 without a doubt! Beautifully written page turner. What an amazing mum and dad raised you Riley - you were truly blessed. So glad that Lisa Marie had you to stand by her when no one else was there for her. We have all waited a long time to hear the true life story of Lisa Marie Presley showing us how much Elvis loved her (in a reckless loving way sometimes) and how much she truly missed him. No spoilers readers except to say you will change your view on Priscilla! Riley, this feels like a book of love to your mother, you 100% understood her, and you stand as a strong independent kind and loving women to honour your mum. What a tribute to finish this book for her. The first photograph in the book of the two of you is beautiful. Best book I have read this year by a million miles. Buy this book.
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Amazon Customer
I am enjoying this well written and honest book.
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This book doesn’t really contain anything we don’t already know. It’s a very personal book but uninteresting. I’m an Elvis fan but her story is typical of a famous rich kid. Too much money, not enough to do. I feel sorry for Riley mostly. It’s a shame there weren’t more actual photos. Just blurry black and white images at the beginning of each chapter.
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Patricia S.
Love this book. Lisa Marie tells it like it is, it’s funny and it’s raw and also very sad at times. I love how her daughter has her input too. Very close knit family. I’m not an avid reader but this books was a breeze to read, but I had to put the book down, cuz sometimes it was too sad for me to continue reading! I Love LMFP and her honesty! I’m a tell-it-like-it-is kind of person too. That’s why I am so drawn to her. Someone who doesn’t sugar coat anything and I believe is trustworthy. I also Love Her children & I think Danny should also get a lot of credit as well. He was always there for her till the end. I’m going to read it again. I waited for this book since Lisa said it was in the works.
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Si a casi 50 años de su muerte Elvis sigue impactando la vida de millones de personas, devastador imaginar como impacto su perdida en la vida de su unica hija. “I felt my father could change the weather”… Son las primeras palabras de LM en este desgarrador relato. Compré el libro en físico, porque es uno de esos ejemplares que vale la pena tener, y lo leí junto con el audiolibro en el que Julia Roberts hace una soberbia lectura junto con Riley.
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Lisa M.
Very well written book by Lisa Marie Presley and her daughter Riley, some funny stories( that had me lol), heartwarming and heartbreaking stories(yes I did cry), gone way before her time, Lisa Marie would be very proud of her Daughter!Loved this book ❤️
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Cliente Kindle
Esse livro só será lançado no meu país, Brasil, em fevereiro de 2025, mas precisei comprá-lo, eu li a versão em inglês traduzindo folha por folha com a função "tradutor" do Kindle. Eu estava ansiosa para escutar a história de Lisa, não por terceiros, mas por ela mesmo. Foi uma viagem louca, triste, irônica, mágica... Uma mistura de muitos sentimentos. Eu gostaria que esse livro tivesse mais duzentas folhas, sei que a história de Lisa renderia isso facilmente, mas estou feliz e grata por Riley ter deixado isso para nós. Tcb ⚡
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I genuinely wish she wrote more in her own words. I felt like so much of her life was missed out, but I love Rileys POV as well. I wish it included her experiences with music & Scientology. It's amazing tho..finished in a day
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  • Publisher Macmillan; Main Market edition (8 Oct. 2024)
  • Language English
  • Hardcover 304 pages
  • ISBN-10 1035051044
  • ISBN-13 978-1035051045
  • Reading age 18 years and up
  • Dimensions 16.4 x 3 x 24.3 cm
  • Best Sellers Rank See Top 100 in Books